Slovenian Fusion Association (SFA)
is a member of national research units collaborating in the frame of a joint European Fusion program. SFA was founded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and is lead by the Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI). Besides JSI, its members are University of Ljubljana (Faculty of mechanical engineering, Faculty of electrical engineering and Faculty of mathematics and physics) company Cosylab and Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije. SFA coordinates fusion research in Slovenia, an important part of its activity is also public information about the progress in thermonuclear fusion research.
Slovenian Fusion Association was founded in April 2005.
International meeting of the EUROfusion projects DIV-W7X and DIV-JT-60SA in Ljubljana
On June 19 and 20, the Reactor Engineering Department, Jožef Stefan Institute organised an international meeting of the EUROfusion projects DIV-W7X and DIV-JT-60SA for the development of a divertor in two fusion devices, the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator and the...
New record achieved in produced fusion energy in the latest experiment with tritium in the JET experimental reactor
At a press conference on February 8, 2024, the EUROfusion consortium announced the successful completion of the third and final deuterium-tritium experimental campaign (DTE3) in the JET fusion device. The Joint European Torus (JET), one of the largest and most...
EUROfusion Engineering Grant awarded to Aljoša Gajšek from Jožef Stefan Institute
The EUROfusion Engineering Grant (EEG) was awarded to 16 candidates from a wide range of 55 different competence areas, interesting for development of fusion technologies. The EEG was also awarded to young researcher Aljoša Gajšek, under the mentorship of Dr. Boštjan...